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Project: | Russian Patent Office (Rostechnadzor) |
Description: | Setting up approximately 2500 computer workstations |
Project volume: | Approx. 5,6 million DM |
Construction start: | June 2000 |
Construction time: | Expected 14 months |
Client: | Co. Siemens |
General contractor: | Co. ELCON GmbH |
ELCON contract: | Complete planning of the entire computer system including data network cabling. |
Special features: | The building was used extensively throughout the construction period. ELCON was also the general contractor for construction and heating. |
Electrical engineering: On behalf of Siemens, ELCON acted as general contractor for electrical engineering, construction and heating technology. The Russian Patent Office (Rostechnadzor) in Moscow has been equipped with 2500 computer workstations. ELCON planned and installed data network cabling.